Buyer Representation
Boise Idaho Realtor Contacts
Ava Tong, Realtor, BA, CSP, HRC
Phone: (208) 440-5810
Cristina Pescaru, Realtor, CSP, HRC
Phone: (208) 284-1545
What does it mean to have BUYER REPRESENTATION?
A buyer representative represents the person purchasing the property. Some state laws may vary on this, but most often an agent representing a buyer owes full fiduciary duties, including loyalty to the buyer. The representative works for the buyer client and has the client’s best interests in mind through the whole transaction.
The buyer representative is compensated for services by the buyer through a fee that is negotiated, or in some states the commission is split between the two brokerages; the one representing the seller and the one representing the buyer of the particular real estate property. The consumer and buyer agent should discuss compensation at an initial interview, and have reached an agreement prior to viewing any real estate properties. Any agreement must be in writing clearly explaining the terms of the agreement and the responsibilities of both the consumer and the agent or buyer representative throughout the transaction. Consult with your local realtor for complete details before you start your search for property.
Why have a buyer representative?
When was the last time you purchased real estate? Purchasing real property is a serious and major transaction with many details that need to be handled. In nearly all cases the seller will have their representation. Don’t you, as a buyer want representation as well? Don’t you want to be treated fairly and completely throughout your real estate transaction with a seller?
Research shows that when a buyer was represented, the buyer found his home one week faster than those without representation and viewed on average, three more properties than those folks who did not have representation. So, for the best protection and service make sure you have a Buyer’s Representative in every real estate transaction.
Call or email Ava or Cristina for the best service and advocacy you could ever want in your real estate transaction.