By Cristina Pescaru, CSP
Real Estate Consultant
Boise, Idaho
We used to call Boise “our little secret treasure” here in the N.W. Of course, in 2004 it looked like everybody found out about it, and then a huge bubble ensued, followed by the defaults, foreclosures and short sales we all know and don’t love. People found out the hard way that being a landlord from a distance, when you don’t know the area, and have no experience, coupled with buying more than one should have made for a bad outcome.
Fast forward to 2012
Recently, we started noticing that we seem to have a lower supply of houses in the lower price ranges than the market would like. Starting in November-December last year, and culminating in the first months of 2012, buyers began to have bid wars on properties under $120,000, and agents were faced with multiple offers, reminiscent of those fabled years of 2004-2006. I even recently encountered a property with an unbelievable 17 offers on it!
Now we have a study coming to us from the research company CoreLogic in Santa Ana, California, that tells us that Boise is one of the top real estate markets deemed most improved. We are behind Phoenix, AZ on that list, and ahead of places like Salt Lake City, UT, and Denver, CO.
What does that mean for you, home buyer in the area
In 2004 I was relatively new to the real estate business, and quite naïve in terms of real estate bubbles. I was working with a young couple, trying to buy their first home when, all of a sudden, prices started going up and up and up. I was showing them properties in their price range, when we noticed that the houses were dumps and the prices were unbelievable, jumping from about $60-$70/sft to $115-$120 seemingly overnight. Needless to say, they were priced right out of the market. This is a cautionary tale for all the fence sitters out there, who think that the grass will get greener. Prices are going up, not down, in the affordable houses category (under $150,000), so call your agent if you have one, or us, if you don’t, and find that dream house. After all, don’t you want to paint your own walls, and not your landlord’s?
And, as always, we are happy to help. Give us a call.